The Amish Don’t Get Autism? And They Don’t Get Vaccinations – Possible Link?
THIS INTERESTING article about links between vaccinations and autism asks a series of valid questions regarding such often mooted links.
THIS INTERESTING article about links between vaccinations and autism asks a series of valid questions regarding such often mooted links.
THIS STORY shows there are still great breakthroughs being made in the treatment and management of autism, and is reprinted from materials provided by Yale University. The original article was written by Karen N. Peart.
THINKING OUTSIDE the square is something which has resulted in some of the most remarkable achievements by Mankind. This article is about just such thinking: The willingness to investigate ecstacy as a possible adjunct to Autism treatment.
THIS ARTICLE by Vickie Ewell shows us all that there is much more to treating autism than behavioural therapy drills. Readers should be encouraged to also study Primal Body, Primal Brain to find out how even the SCD diet may be improved by adding animal fat to your child’s diet, and also find out the…
THIS ARTICLE, published in BUSINESS OF STEM CELLS on March 15, 2010 draws some interesting conclusions in the vaccines-cause-autism debate:
FOR A DECADE, the scientific community has made progress in the identification of potential genetic and environmental causes of autism. Myriad problems remain unsolved and untouched. Many autistic children are medically fragile. They endure physical suffering from gut irregularity (reflux, diarrhea, pain, constipation), insomnia, seizures, adverse reactions to medications and significant allergies. Read more here…
BEFORE YOU convince yourself that your two- or three-year-old child may be autistic, please read this article by Eleanore Miller, Ed.D. Beverly Hills, CA, United States.
THIS ARTICLE by Michael J. Gertner illustrates perfectly the immensity of the task of finding causes of autism. While encouraging in parts, it also reinforces the complexities in the issue.