Girls with Autism More Likely to Face Challenges with Daily Living
DO AUTISTIC men and boys face fewer difficulties in coping with life’s challenges than their female counterparts?
DO AUTISTIC men and boys face fewer difficulties in coping with life’s challenges than their female counterparts?
THIS STORY shows there are still great breakthroughs being made in the treatment and management of autism, and is reprinted from materials provided by Yale University. The original article was written by Karen N. Peart.
FOR A DECADE, the scientific community has made progress in the identification of potential genetic and environmental causes of autism. Myriad problems remain unsolved and untouched. Many autistic children are medically fragile. They endure physical suffering from gut irregularity (reflux, diarrhea, pain, constipation), insomnia, seizures, adverse reactions to medications and significant allergies. Read more here…
RESEARCH APPEARS to indicate a connection between anxiety levels and autism, as published.
BEFORE YOU convince yourself that your two- or three-year-old child may be autistic, please read this article by Eleanore Miller, Ed.D. Beverly Hills, CA, United States.
THIS ARTICLE by Jean Charles Genet highlights another avenue towards a possible cure for, or management technique of, autism. Obviously there is more research to be done, but it is yet another direction for hope.