There is still much debate around what the possible causes of autism are. Most likely both genetics and environmental factors have a contribution to it.
Distinctive genes have been associated with it by scientists. Studies on autistic persons have shown that the activity in some areas of the brain is affected.
Other researches led to the conclusion that the level of some neurotransmitters, including serotonin, is higher at people with ASD compared to other people who do not suffer of this disorder.
It is very likely that ASD is a result of an abnormal development of the brain in the early stages, probably during the first eight weeks from conception, caused by mutations in the genes that control brain growth and cell communication.
There are several environmental factors which are also taken into account by researchers, and which are believed to have a significant influence as well. The theory that parental education could also be connected to the development of this disorder has proven unsustained.
What role does inheritance play?
According to researchers, genetics are the key factor of autism. In twin families there are 90% chances that both children will be affected if one of them has ASD. There are several studies going on to identify the specific genes that influence the appearance of ASD.
It has been established that if there is one child with ASD in a family, there are 5% chances that a sibling will also develop this disease. This risk is by far bigger than the usual one. Starting from here, scientists are trying to identify the specific genetic factors that are determinant for this condition.
There are also families in which relatives of the person with ASD have mild difficulties with communication and social interaction or repetitive behaviour issues, not consistent enough to be diagnosed as a disorder. Some other psychological disorders however are more frequently found in families where there is a person with ASD than in regular families.
How does autism evolve in time?
There are many cases in which the symptoms of autism improve in time, provided the right treatment, and also depending on their severity. Deterioration of the brain activity or epilepsy occurs more frequently in children who have shown regress in their language skills before becoming three years old.
Because of the impact on the social life some adolescents with ASD might experience depressions or similar issues and will need professional help and adjustment of their treatment. Usually people with autism will need support their entire life, but there are also cases where the person can become fully independent or just needing a supportive environment.