ASD stands for autism spectrum disorder which is an abnormal neural development. This disorder is mainly characterized by difficulties in social interaction, problems with communication, restricted behaviour affected by tics and stereotipies.

Autism is the main form of this disorder, in which the information is processed in the brain in a particular way, not completely understood yet. If cognitive development and language are developed normally we are in the presence of a milder form of the disease, known as the Asperger syndrome.

When not all the symptoms of autism or Asperger syndrome are present the disease is called pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS).

Autism is affecting people from all social environments, regardless of race, ethnic origins or age. The number of children with ASD is currently estimated at six in every 1000, although the figures could be much higher due to lack of relevant data.

The number of boys that develop ASD is approximately four times higher than the number of girls. Old age of the parents and use of drugs during pregnancy are sometimes considered to be potential causes of this disease.

Autism is a neurodevelopment disorder that has many variables. The first signs can usually be noticed before the age of three, although there are cases in which a child develops normally and then regresses. The disease is affecting the normal brain functioning, resulting in delayed development of the communication skills and social interaction issues.

Autistic people develop particular non verbal communication patterns, have social impairments, and show many signs of restrictive behaviour.